Draft Assessment: Chelsea

Of all the players this season, Chelsea may be the most difficult to read. She compares herself to Parvati Shallow (winner, Survivor: Micronesia, runner-up, Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains), which is usually a red flag because Parvati is the go-to answer for any casual female fan of the show, but Chelsea at least acknowledges the need to build social relationships instead of just flirting her way to the end. Chelsea also claims she is a hard worker, can get along well with people, and can hold her own physically. But does she have what it takes to win when she mentions that the “experience of a lifetime” is her central reason for playing Survivor, not the money?

Bottom line: Chelsea is a wild card. That said, she does appear non-threatening, so she’ll probably sneak under the radar for awhile. Making her a draft pick could be smart, since she could easily make the merge at least.

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