Episode 11 Player Rankings

Each week, we rank the remaining players in order of those we think are most likely to stay in the game to those who have the highest chance to be voted out next week. This player ranking is not definitive, but may provide a little insight on possible outcomes in the next episode. Let us know your thoughts in the comments section.

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Last week, Michael was ranked last and Jenna was ranked third from last, and they were both voted out in the crazy double tribal council twist! This week, there is no clear “bottom” among the remaining eight contestants. Will Kellyn, Wendell, and Domenick continue to work together, or will the Naviti men and women turn on each other (or will something else completely unexpected happen)? At this point, there’s nowhere to hide, which makes the rankings even more difficult than usual.


WENDELL (points earned: 1. Total points earned: 24)

Wendell is playing a great game, but the main reason I’m ranking him first is because he still has an idol, and he will play it if he knows he’s in trouble. Also, Domenick will probably be targeted before Wendell.


DOMENICK (points earned: 3. Total points earned: 34)

Domenick is the only other player besides Wendell who has an idol, and has proven to have a really good read on other contestants, so he will play it if he feels vulnerable.

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SEBASTIAN (points earned: 0. Total points earned: 15)

Unless a tie vote results in a rock draw, Sea Bass isn’t getting voted out. He’s in for the long haul, even though he doesn’t stand a chance at winning the game.


ANGELA (points earned: 0. Total points earned: 18)

Like Sea Bass, Angela isn’t a “threat.” She could become an easy vote if Dom and Wendell decide to vote out a Naviti woman, but she’s not as likely of a target as Chelsea or Kellyn.

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DONATHAN (points earned: 1. Total points earned: 15)

Donathan and Laurel are the only remaining Malolos, so they may be targeted by the Naviti women (and Sea Bass, if he gets pulled into the voting bloc). However, Wendell and Domenick may be able to protect them.


LAUREL (points earned: 0. Total points earned: 14)

Laurel is in a slightly more vulnerable position than Donathan because Kellyn doesn’t trust her and may try to target her in order to stay “Naviti strong.”


CHELSEA (points earned: 2. Total points earned: 18)

Chelsea has won two immunity challenges, so she’s a physical threat. Also, if Donathan, Laurel, Domenick, and Wendell decide to vote out a Naviti, they could decide get rid of who appears to be Kellyn’s closest ally.


KELLYN (points earned: 1. Total points earned: 20)

If she doesn’t decide to vote out a Malolo, Kellyn may try to target Dom and Wendell this week. Unfortunately for her, she’s outgunned by them because she doesn’t have an idol or an advantage. She could be safe if there’s a tie vote, but it doesn’t look good for her.

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Photo: Screen Grab/CBS Entertainment ©2018

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