Draft Assessment: Sebastian

Sebastian could be the next Ozzy Lusth (runner-up, Survivor: Cook Islands, 9th place, Survivor: Micronesia, 4th place, Survivor: South Pacific, 12th place, Survivor: Game Changers), one of the greatest physical competitors and food providers of all time, or Jason Siska, an Ozzy wannabe who made one of the dumbest Survivor moves in history when he believed Ozzy’s “f-ing stick” was actually a real idol. Unfortunately, although Sebastian seems like a genuinely nice guy, it seems that he’ll be more of a “Prince Siska” than an Ozzy. That said, if he makes the merge, his swimming abilities could score him some immunity points.

Bottom line: Sebastian may not be an ideal Sole Survivor pick, but he would make a good draft pick due to his physical capabilities and high probability of making the merge.

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