Draft Assessment: Stephanie J

The second-oldest woman in the cast at 34, Stephanie has an uphill battle. Her age isn’t necessarily the issue, but the fact that she is a mom is. Though moms have historically made it to the final tribal council quite often in the past ten seasons (Carolyn Rivera in Survivor: Worlds Apart, Dawn Meehan and Sherri Biethman in Survivor: Caramoan, Monica Culpepper in Survivor: Blood vs. Water, Missy Payne in Survivor: San Juan del Sur, Chrissy Hofbeck in Survivor: Heroes vs. Healers vs. Hustlers), NONE of them won the game. The last mom to win was Survivor: Philippines’ Denise Stapley in season 25 (eleven seasons ago), and before that, it was Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains’ Sandra Diaz-Twine in season 20. It’s not impossible, but not likely to happen due to the prejudice against moms playing a cutthroat game.

Bottom line: Due to the historic backlash that moms get at the final tribal council, Stephanie is not likely to win. However, she could make it far if she is similar to the women listed above, so she could be a solid draft pick if you want to score milestone points throughout the game.

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