Best Move/Worst Move

Every Saturday on FSG Blog, we will be posting at least three “Best Moves” and three “Worst Moves” from the latest episode. It’s up to YOU to vote for what you consider to be the best and the worst move. If you disagree with the three options for best or worst moves, then select “Other” and then write an explanation in the Comments section below of the move that you consider to be the best or the worst. The results for this poll will be posted every Monday.

Stephanie Johnson getting Jacob to divulge information
Stephanie demonstrated her shrewd powers of manipulation when she buddied up to Jacob, pretended to want to work with him, and then made him feel comfortable enough to get him to admit that not only was his idol a fake but that he had sent a Legacy Advantage to Morgan on the Naviti tribe. Although Stephanie’s move may not have changed the outcome of the vote, she does now have valuable information about the Legacy Advantage that she could use to her benefit later in the game.

Jacob tricking the Naviti tribe into sending him to Ghost Island
Jacob made a lot of blunders in this double episode, but I must give credit where credit is due. He knew he was in trouble, so despite the fact that his tribe lost the immunity challenge, he boasted about how great his tribe was and how they would turn it around and become the best tribe in Survivor history. His boasting pissed off the other tribe enough so that they decided to send him to Ghost Island, making him immune from the first vote. Jacob confessed publicly that the Naviti tribe fell into his trap, which he probably should have saved for a confessional, but regardless, his plan worked.

Domenick finding an idol in the middle of the night
Like Tony Vlachos, Joe Mena, and Ben Driebergen, Domenick’s paranoia led him to search for the idol in the middle of the night, and he found it! It must take a lot of guts to stick your hand under rocks and into the crevasses of trees in the dark because you never know what could be lurking there. However, Domenick didn’t give up and it paid off.

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Jacob publicly announcing that he’s looking for an idol
It’s one thing to search for the idol secretly, but it’s another to announce it to your tribe, especially at the start of the game. Jacob was obviously feeling like he was on the outs with his tribe, but instead of trying to build relationships with people, he further isolated himself by painting an even bigger target on his back.

Jacob telling Stephanie Johnson about his fake idol and the Legacy Advantage
Jacob would probably have been voted off anyway, but telling Stephanie about his fake idol and the legacy advantage was a huge blunder. I’m sure he wanted desperately to work with her and felt he needed to offer up something as a token of his trust, but all he really did was give up the only shred of power he had left.

Domenick telling Chris he has an idol
Domenick’s plan to bury a fake idol and have Chris discover it was a good instinct, but there’s no reason he should have told Chris that the idol was his, especially when he had just lied to Chris and told him he didn’t have it. Even Chris smelled something fishy in Domenick’s move, which only creates more suspicion and mistrust between then. Domenick would have been better off keeping his secret to himself.

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