Episode Recap

Season 45

Episode 13

Reward (1): Austin and Jake

Immunity (2): Austin and Dee

Island Challenge (1): Jake

Read Tree Mail (1): Katurah

Play an Idol (2): Katurah

Gain Advantage (1): Jake

Voted out: Julie 5th place

Voted out: Katurah 4th place

Sole survivor (15): Dee 1st place

Episode 12

Reward (1): Austin, Katurah, and Dee

Immunity (2): Dee

Find a Clue (1): Jake

Find an Idol (1): Jake

Play an Idol (2): Austin

Voted out: Drew 6th place

Episode 11

Reward (1): Drew, Austin, and Jake

Immunity (2): Drew

Read Tree Mail (1): Jake

Make Fire (1): Julie and Emily

Play an Idol (2): Julie

Voted out: Emily 7th place

Episode 10

Reward (1): Julie, Emily, Katurah, and Dee

Immunity (2): Austin

Voted out: Bruce 8th place

Episode 9

Reward (1): Julie, Kendra, and Bruce

Immunity (2): Bruce

Make Fire (1): Jake

Voted out: Kendra 9th place

Episode 8

Immunity (2): Bruce

Read Tree Mail (1): Kendra

Make Fire (1): Bruce

Voted out: Kellie 10th place

Episode 7

Reward (1): Julie, Austin, Kaleb, Jake, Katurah, and Dee

Immunity (2): Kellie and Dee

Voted out: Sifu 12th place

Voted out: Kaleb 11th place

Episode 6

Reward (1): Julie, Sifu, Drew, Austin, Kendra, Bruce, and Katurah

Immunity (2): Julie, Sifu, Drew, Austin, Kendra, Bruce, and Katurah

Read Tree Mail (1): Kendra, Kellie, and Dee

Merge (1): Julie, Sifu, Drew, Austin, Emily, Kaleb, Kendra, Kellie, Jake, Bruce, Katurah, and Dee

Gain Advantage (1): Bruce

Voted out: Janani 13th place

Episode 5

Reward (1): Julie, Sifu, Kaleb, Janani, Kellie, Jake, Bruce, Katurah, and Dee

Immunity (2): Julie, Sifu, Kaleb, Janani, Kellie, Jake, Bruce, Katurah, and Dee

Gain Advantage (1): Austin, Janani, and Kellie

Voted out: Brando 14th place

Episode 4

Immunity (2): Drew, Austin, Emily, Kaleb, Brando, Kendra, Kellie, Jake, Bruce, and Katurah

Make Fire (1): Austin, Kendra, Kellie, and Bruce

Voted out: Sean 15th place

Episode 3

Reward (1): Julie, Sifu, Drew, Sabiyah, Austin, Sean, Emily, Kaleb, Janani, and Dee

Immunity (2): Julie, Sifu, Drew, Austin, Janani, Brando, Kendra, Kellie, Jake, Bruce, Katurah, and Dee

Find a Clue (1): Dee

Gain Advantage (1): Drew, Sabiyah, Austin, and Kaleb

Voted out: Sabiyah 16th place

Episode 2

Reward (1): Julie, Sifu, Drew, Austin, Janani, Brando, Kendra, Kellie, Jake, Bruce, Katurah, and Dee

Immunity (2): Julie, Sifu, Drew, Austin, Janani, Brando, Kendra, Kellie, Jake, Bruce, Katurah, and Dee

Make Fire (1): Bruce

Find a Clue (1): Sabiyah and Brandon

Gain Advantage (1): Drew

Voted out: Brandon 17th place

Episode 1

Reward (1): Julie, Sifu, Drew, Austin, Janani, and Dee

Immunity (2): Julie, Sifu, Drew, Austin, Janani, Brando, Kendra, Kellie, Jake, Bruce, Katurah, and Dee

Island Challenge (1): Julie, Sifu, Drew, Sabiyah, Austin, Brandon, Sean, Emily, Kaleb, Janani, Brando, Kendra, Kellie, Jake, Bruce, Hannah, Katurah, and Dee

Find a Clue (1): Austin

Voted out: Hannah 18th place